The Learning Library
One of the ways that I “Help Leaders Blossom” is to read. I love books that are well researched, well presented and have a practical orientation. This section of my website is designed to support your leadership journey by helping to choose your next good read, and grow your leadership capacity.
I read (and listen to) books on leadership, organization development, strategy formation, change … the list goes on, so I’ve organized the books into categories that make sense to me, and I have added brief comments with some of my thoughts. I’ve also added links to short video clips that may peak your interest. My goal was to read a book a week for a year (starting Oct 2018) and the tally came in at 59 books.
Crucial Conversations Tools for Talking When Stakes are High
2002, by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, Al Switzer I first read this book when first became a coach, in large part because clients wanted to improve on how they lead really difficult conversations. Personally, I find there are more detailed steps...
Fierce Leadership: A Bold Alternative to the Worst “Best” Practices of Business Today.
2009 by Susan Scott. I love this book! When I listened to the audio version, I felt like Susan Scott was reading my mind. She has provided the language and context to understand how “best” practices create systemic problems. I thought it...
The Leadership Challenge: How to Make Extraordinary things Happen in Organizations
2012, by James Kouzes and Barry Posner. It has taken me a long time to read this one. Peter referred to Kouzes and Posner when he was working on his PhD so I have a sense of connection to this title. I've put this book is at the top of the reading list...
13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do
2014, by Amy Morin This book is for you if you learn by having a clear how-to approach to new behaviors based on her work as a psychotherapist. Morin provides direction, practical suggestions, and the rationale behind her recommendations. Examples are...
Results that Last: Hardwiring Behaviors That Will Take Your Company to the Top
2008, by Quint Studer If you’ve ever worked at a hospital that hired the Studer Group, you’ll have had the experience of having the Studer Model inform how your senior leaders are directing your energy and attention. Studer’s organization has created a program based...
Assessment Tools
The Iris Group is experiences in the use and integration of the following assessment tools. All are available as online instruments.
Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI©)
Based on the research of Quinn and Cameron, two leading experts on organizational culture, the OCAI has been validated across hundreds of organizations. It is based on the competing values framework and provides insights into current and preferred cultures. We have found it particularly helpful in the early stages of mergers and acquisitions.
Visit the OCAI website
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI©)
Marion Howell is a certified MBTI assessor and facilitator. The MBTI is the most validated psychometric tool in use today. It provides powerful insights into personality preferences which are helpful in both personal anf team development.
This Gallup instrument is based on extensive research by Marcus Buckingham and others. It allows individuals to identify their top five strengths across five domains.
Values in Action (VIA Survey)
Research tells us that individuals who use their character strengths lead happier, more satisfying lives. The VIA Survey is a validated instrument that guides individuals to know their 24 character strengths and provides an in-depth VIA Character Reports.
Reflected Best Self
Based on the work of Laura Morgan Roberts in the area of positive organizational studies, this assessment approach invites perspectives from different people on ways in which an individual has had a positive impact.